

Tales of a Travelling Capricorn



Caravaggio was a Badass

Back in April, 2016, I had the greatest opportunity of visiting JAPAN! We spent some time in Tokyo and explored the Caravaggio exhibition at the Museum of Western Art. In this video, artist Stephanie Patsula offers her insight into the BADASS MUTHAFUCKA that Caravaggio evidently was.

The Best Album of 2016 is Sugary Video Game Inspired Hip-Pop

OK, I have to divulge something rather private. While I have always been a lover of nearly anything resembling music, I’ve felt myself drifting from the world of vocal and instrumental sounds as of late.

Though not by intentional design, I’ve been spending more aural time with audiobooks and podcasts. When I do put on music these days, I’m a little bit ashamed to admit that it’s generally relegated to the dreaded “background atmosphere zone.” And that’s not how any self-respecting musician wants to be listened to.

But my ears were pleasantly perked to rapt attention thanks to Kero Kero Bonito’s new album, Generation Bonito, released October 20th, 2016. Kero Kero Bonito, or KKB for short, is the type of group whose mission objective may just be tickling my fancy in all the right places. Sometimes a band just gets you.

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An Arashiyaman Adventure


Ah, Japan. The land of the rising sun. A country in love with animals, where there are more pets than children, and even atypical creatures are encouraged to mingle with the people. A village of foxes here, a city of deer there – even a couple places where monkeys roam free. Japan’s fascination with the animal kingdom is infused into its culture, where everything from anime to ancient shrines and temples pay homage to the wonderful world of wildlife. However, this story takes place in a city that is not known best for its animal life: Kyoto.

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